Constitution of SonLight Chapel

Adopted May 20, 2012


In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We, the members of SonLight Chapel of York County, Pennsylvania, desire to unite as a free, independent, non-affiliated, non-denominational congregation in the common confession, protection, and sharing of our faith in Jesus Christ our Savior. We recognize ourselves as His people, in local assembly, adopting the following articles of church order and submitting ourselves to be governed by them.

Article I: Name and Incorporation

Section 1
The name of this congregation shall be SonLight Chapel (hereafter referred to as SC).
Section 2
This congregation is incorporated as a nonprofit corporation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with its registered office at 10025 Chapel Church Road, Red Lion, Pennsylvania.
Section 3
Upon the dissolution of SonLight Chapel, all property which it may possess, whether real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible, and including any device, bequest, gift or grant contained in any will or other instrument (whether held in trust or otherwise and whether to the church) shall be transferred to a religious and/or charitable institution and/or purpose.
Section 4
The directors of SonLight Chapel are also known as elders and trustees.

Article II: Mission

Our MISSION is to lead
the distressed to hope
the discontented to joy
and the indebted to abundance
by becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.

Article III: Vision

Our VISION is to become a Biblically-functioning community and a model New Testament church.

Article IV: Doctrine / Statement of Faith

Section 1: Scriptures
We believe the Scriptures are the only infallible, authoritative, inspired Word of God declaring His design and plan for mankind. The Word of God is our plumb line by which we measure the standard of our beliefs and our lives.
2 Timothy 3:15-17, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Peter 1:21, Amos 7:8
Section 2: Triune God - God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
We believe there is only one true God revealed in three persons- Father, Son and Holy Spirit eternally coexisting in perfect harmony and in function being omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and eternally self-existent.Deuteronomy 6:4, Isaiah 43:10-11, 2 Corinthians 13:14, 1 Corinthians 8:4-6

  1. God the Father exists in unseen form as Father of Jesus Christ, Father of all believers and Father of all creation. All human fatherhood is derived from the Fatherhood of God, God as Father is the source of all believers’ spiritual life. He is concerned with the believers’ welfare and pours out His love upon them.
    Exodus 4:22, Deuteronomy 32:5-6, Matthew 3:17, 11:27, Romans 8:15, Ephesians 3:9, 14-15
  2. God the Son is revealed as both Son of God and Son of Man through whom and for whom all things have been created. He came to earth by virgin birth, he was sinless as He lived among us in human frailty, who demonstrated His Sonship by working many miracles, signs and wonders; He atoned for man’s sin by shedding His blood on a cross, He was resurrected on the third day, and was exalted to the right hand of the Father. He now assumes the threefold ministry of Prophet, Priest, and King in reconciling mankind.
    Matthew 14:33, 2 Peter 1:17, Mark 2:10, Colossians 1:16, Matthew 1:23, Acts 2:22, 1 Corinthians 5:3, Acts 1:9, Romans 5:11
  3. God the Holy Spirit superintended all creation having brought order out of chaos from the beginning. He is the source of all true prophecy and is the voice of God in the earth today revealing truth to all mankind. The Holy Spirit is received as a gift at conversion whereupon He indwells, baptizes, and seals the believer. The Holy Spirit also fills, guides, empowers, and teaches believers all things. He continues to convict the world of sin, their need for righteousness and the future judgment.
    Psalm 104:29-30, Genesis 1:2, 2 Peter 1:21, John 14:16-17, 16:7-14, 16; Acts 2:4, 38, 1 Corinthians 12:3-13, Ephesians 1:11-14, 5:18, Galatians 5:16, Romans 8:1-27, 1 John 2:20
Section 3: Salvation
We believe Jesus is the sole means of Salvation from spiritual death through repentance toward God. We are saved by God’s grace through our faith in Jesus alone, not by our works. We believe that Jesus is the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.
Romans 10:9-10, John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 5:9
Section 4: Eternal Security
We believe salvation is a daily choice. It is designed and intended to be permanent and eternal. Although God’s mind and will are always unchanging toward us, it is possible for those who have experienced the benefits of the new birth to turn away from God and thereby reject the Son of God. Therefore, there is a clear warning, issued to those who would be entangled again in the world and overcome by it, that their end is worse than their beginning. Therefore we are encouraged to be found abiding in Christ Jesus, continuing to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Hebrews 6:4-6, 7:25, 2 Peter 2:20, John 15:1-11, Colossians 2:6, Revelation 3:5, Luke 8:13
Section 5: Priesthood of All Believers
We believe in the priesthood of all believers- maintaining that all individuals have equal access to God and equal opportunity to represent him to others and equal responsibility before him. We also contend that any believer is authorized by scripture to serve and or receive the ordinance of communion and water baptism.
1 Peter 2:5, Acts 2:46
Section 6: Water Baptism
We believe in water baptism as commanded by Christ and as testimony that we have repented and confessed our sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, signifying we are buried with him and also raised with him.
Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:4, Matthew 28:19, 1 Peter 3:21
Section 7: Communion
We believe in communion as a remembrance of Christ suffering and death for our salvation to be practiced routinely with the cup and bread representing his blood and body.
1 Peter 2:9, John 6:55-56, 1 Corinthians 11:26, Mark 14:22-24, Matthew 26:26-28
Section 8: Baptism & Gifts of the Holy Spirit
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which empowers believers for successful daily living, witnessing and effective ministry. This is an infilling of the believer like the early believers experienced at Pentecost and throughout the Book of Acts. This is accomplished particularly by making available the nine-fold gifts of the Spirit. Through them God manifests His grace, power and love corporately and individually. Through them God confirms the ministry of His Word, meets human needs and equips believers to wage spiritual war-fare effectively against the forces of evil.
Acts 2:4, 19:6, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, 14:1-25, Hebrews 2:4, 1 Peter 4:10, Acts 10:44-46, 11:15-17.
Section 9: Five-Fold Leadership - Apostles, Prophets, Pastor, Teachers, and Evangelist
We believe in five-fold leadership that is given by divine call of God to equip the saints for the work of the ministry and to build up the Body of Christ. This eldership of the local and regional Church is subject to the theocratic government of God’s Holy Spirit. We believe that men and women serving as deacons assist.
Acts 20:28, Ephesians 4:11-13, Titus 1:5-9, 1 Timothy 3:1-13
Section 10: Laying on of Hands
We believe in the laying on of hands for the empowering of the Holy Spirit for healing, impartations of gifts of the Spirit, and for the purpose of ordaining those called to lead and serve the church.
Acts 8:17-18, 1 Timothy 4:14, Hebrews 6:2, 2 Timothy 1:6
Section 11: Prayer
We believe in prayer as essential to maintaining a God centered life. Prayer is central to everything we do. We constantly pray over our members, our visitors, our ministries, our staff, and our leaders and over God’s vision for our Church. Simply put, prayer is communion with God. It is personal and encouraged to be on a daily basis and to be shared as a Church body. We believe prayers are answered. We are to develop a lifestyle of prayer that avoids vain, repetitious, and religious practices. We believe that the Holy Spirit gifts some with the ministry of intercessory prayer.
1Thessalonians 5:17, Luke 5:16, Matthew 6:5-8, 7:7, 1 Corinthians 14:14-15, Philippians 4:4, Colossians 4:2, Romans 8:26-27, Jude 20
Section 12: Fasting
We believe in fasting as a means to strengthen our prayers and our pursuit of God. It should be undertaken in an attitude of joy and anticipation. The duration of fasting varies and may be individual or corporate, spontaneous or planned. But, all fasts should be called and led of the Spirit.
Acts 13:2, 14:23, Ezra 8:23, Jeremiah 29:10-13, Matthew 6:16-18, Psalm 35:13, Daniel 1:14-21, 10:3
Section 13: Stewardship and Tithing
We believe in being good stewards of all our gifts including our finances. We believe that the membership should consider their gifts and tithes beginning with ten percent of their resources for the work of the Church and its ministry. We also believe that all those in charge of the financial resources pray over all programs and expenditures. We believe that we will be held accountable for how we use the gifts and financial resources that God has entrusted us with. The Bible assures us that all believers are given at least one gift from the Lord as He desires. These gifts are given in order to fulfill each individual’s God given calling by exercising their gifts in service to others. By doing so, God’s Church is built stronger by edifying one another and fulfilling our God-given purposes.
1 Corinthians 3:8-9, 12:4-11, John 13:12-15, Matthew 12:33-37
Section 14: Discipleship
Discipleship is experienced by example and Bible study and requires mentoring through teaching and demonstration of biblical truths. True Disciples value maturity and accountability while honoring authority.
Luke 9:57, Matthew 16:24, Matthew 28:18-20
Section 15: Marriage
We believe in marriage as the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant with each other and God and that it is to be a lifetime commitment.
Matthew 19:4-6, Genesis 2:21-24
Section 16: Sexual Purity
We believe in sexual purity as necessary to stay sanctified and holy unto the Lord and that it requires the children of God to abstain from adultery, fornication, incest, homosexuality, and other sexual deviant behaviors strictly forbidden in Scripture.
Hebrews 13:4, Leviticus 18:1-30, 1 Corinthians 6:18, Romans 1:24-27
Section 17: Return of Christ
We believe Jesus is returning! His physical, personal, and glorious return to earth, visible for all to see and triumphant in the power and glory of His righteous everlasting dominion, is the present hope of all believers.
Daniel 7:14, Acts 1:11, Revelation 1:7
Section 18: Sanctity of Human Life
We are created in the image of God and because of that human life has inestimable worth from conception to death. We reject the “quality of life” view. The value of human life does not depend upon the person’s functional abilities or independent viability but is assured because of the image of God which is found in every human life. God does not measure the quality of a human being before he bestows His image. God calls upon us to extend our care and compassion to every life He has created, in every stage of development and in every need.
Genesis 1:26-27, Psalm 8:4-6, 139:13-14

Article V: Core Values

UNDERSTANDING OUR VALUES - Our call to be a church that provides people access to encounters with God through worship and ministry, while creating a Christian community that unites believers in a safe and loving environment, requires us to lay down core values or character qualities that glorify God and enable us to grow both spiritually and numerically. SonLight Chapel is to be a place where God does great things through great people!

Section 1: Love
We will maintain an environment characterized by love, acceptance, and forgiveness.
Romans 13:8
Section 2: Hope
We have a place where the disenchanted and wandering have reason to keep moving forward toward a better tomorrow. We pay attention to the downtrodden, the poor, the discouraged, the oppressed, the widow, the fatherless and those raising children alone.
1 Peter 1:3
Section 3: Faith
We base all we believe and do on what God says, not on man’s feeble logic or opinions or feelings.
Hebrews 11:3
Section 4: Holiness
We value our right-standing before an all-knowing God. Serving God with a clear conscience that is free of willful sin and disobedience.
Leviticus 11:44
Section 5: Grace
God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. His ability to clean us up is greater than our ability to mess us up. His goodness is beyond comparison.
Ephesians 2:8-9
Section 6: Worship
Worshiping God in “spirit and truth” is more than music and more than Sundays together. It is an attitude that affects a lifestyle that becomes a culture among us.
John 4:24, Colossians 3:16
Section 7: Prayer
We return God’s words back to Him in faith at the point of our need. He already knows – but He cannot answer until we ask.
Matthew 6:8
Section 8: Accountability
We will spare no effort to know and be known as authentic people of God who genuinely desire to exemplify Christ-likeness wherever we are and whatever we do. Hypocrisy will not be tolerated. A strong personal home life when no one else is watching or listening is key to our testimony when we are publically gathered. In the end – character is more important than talent.
Galatians 6:1-2, 1 Timothy 1:5
Section 9: Excellence
Pursuing and doing the best we can with the gifts and abilities God gave us. Living in excellence means that we always give our best, to the glory of God. Biblical excellence includes doing common everyday things, in very uncommon ways, regardless of whether people are watching, for God sees our work and rewards us accordingly.
1 Peter 4:10
Section 10: Respect
We intentionally cultivate a culture of honor in acknowledging each other’s unique contributions and value to the Body.
Romans 12:10
Section 11: Unity
A divided house cannot stand. We will maintain the unity of the Spirit with every ounce of zeal and applied wisdom from God’s Word. Divisive behaviors will be subject to swift disciplinary action. Every voice has a right to be heard. No voice has a right to destroy unity.
Ephesians 4:4-6
Section 12: Stewardship
We will be generous with the resources that God has entrusted to us. Time, money, relationships, opportunities should all be used responsibly for the benefit of our families, the Church, and people in need; bringing abundance where there is lack.
Deuteronomy 8:17-18, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Section 13: Spontaneity of the Holy Spirit
We value the free use and expression of the Holy Spirit’s gifts and fruits. We are committed to be people filled, led, and empowered by God’s Spirit; always being aware of the possibility of His intervention anywhere and anytime.
Acts 2:1-4, Acts 10:44
Section 14: Joy/Revival
Holding to Biblical tradition that Jesus is the true source of joy, we will regularly invest resources to become emotionally, physically, intellectually, and spiritually renewed. Having fun; finding joy in our labor; having at least one hearty laugh daily; enjoying God as He enjoys us.
1 Peter 1:8

Article VI: Amendments

Section 1
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of members present at any properly called regular or special business meeting. A proposed amendment must first be presented by the Board of Elders in writing to the membership two weeks prior to the meeting.
Section 2
Voting privileges shall be limited to members 18 years of age and older.

By-Laws of SonLight Chapel

Adopted July 23, 2012

Article I: Authority

Section 1
The source of the authority of this congregation is Jesus Christ, the Lord and Head of the Church, to whom the Father gave all authority in heaven and earth.Matthew 28:18-20
Section 2
The congregation of SonLight Chapel is to be in agreement with the leadership of the authority, Jesus, as expressed through the elders, who are to oversee His church on earth.
1 Peter5:1-3
Section 3
The elders shall at all times be sensitive to the voice of the Lord in the congregation and seek the prayers, spiritual insights and agreement of the congregation.
Section 4
As legal representatives of SonLight Chapel, the elders shall have the authority to:

  1. Acquire real property for the congregation.
  2. Hold title to and use its property for any and all activities consistent with its purpose.
  3. Sell, lease, transfer, or otherwise dispose of the property of SC.
  4. Enter into contract.

Article II: Congregational Leadership

Section 1: Pastor(s)
  1. Qualifications for the Office
    1. Having been called by the Holy Spirit
      Acts 20:28
    2. Have graduated in good standing from an accredited seminary, Bible school, or equivalent life experience as approved by SonLight Chapel’s elders.
    3. Qualifications as found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9
  2. Duties of the Office
    1. The pastor(s) shall oversee the feeding, equipping, guarding, and preservation of the spiritual life of the congregation
      Ephesians 4:12-13, Acts 20:28
    2. The pastor(s) shall labor primarily with members of the local fellowship and its ministry, but will be permitted to minister beyond the local body to the larger Body of Christ, subject to the discernment and agreement of the elders.
    3. During his tenure, the pastor will serve on the Board of Elders.
  3. Call Procedure
    1. The elders will appoint a Pastor Search Committee which, having fasted and prayed, will seek out a pastoral candidate who possesses the qualifications for the office and who shares the vision of SC.
    2. The candidate shall minister before the congregation at least two Sundays prior to asking the congregation for their confirmation of the candidate.
    3. The Pastor Search Committee must be unanimous in their recommendation of the candidate. The congregation must confirm the candidate by a two-thirds vote. Then, upon the confirmation by the elders, the Pastor Search Committee will extend a call to the pastoral candidate.
    4. At time of hire, there shall be a written mutual contract made between the pastor and the church.
  4. Accountability for ministry
    1. The pastor shall be accountable first to God.
    2. The pastor is secondly accountable to the Board of Elders and then to the congregation of SC.
  5. Removal from office
    1. By passing by death to life everlasting.
    2. By accepting a call to another part of the Body of Christ.
    3. By resignation.
    4. By church discipline.
      1. Teaching doctrine that is false.
      2. Engaging in immoral conduct.
      3. Not fulfilling “Duties of the Office”.
Section 2: Elder
  1. Qualifications for the Office
    1. Having been called by the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28)
    2. Qualifications as found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9
    3. Must be at least 18 years of age
    4. A covenant member of SC in good standing
    5. Actively participate in the ministries of the congregation
    6. Be available for personal ministry and service at SC.
  2. Duties of the Office
    1. Each elder shall labor together with the pastor and others of the Board of Elders in the general physical and spiritual ministry at SC, according to his gifts, experiences, and anointing.
    2. Each elder shall meet with the pastor and others of the Board of Elders whenever it is deemed necessary to make decisions regarding the purpose, vision, and finances of SC. The Board of Elders will function in consensus on all of the above matters.
    3. Responsibilities of the Board of Elders
      1. One elder shall be appointed as the Presiding Elder and will serve as chairperson of the Church Council.
      2. One elder shall be appointed as vice-chairperson of the Church Council.
      3. One elder shall be appointed as the Church Treasurer (required for adequate insurance protection).
      4. One elder shall be appointed as the Secretary of the Church Council.
      5. One elder shall be appointed as the Business Manager of the Church.
      6. One elder shall serve as a member of the Pastor Search/Pastor Support Committee.
    4. Each elder shall attend SC’s monthly Church Council meeting.
  3. Call Procedure
    1. The existing Board of Elders shall have the responsibility of recognizing and recommending members of the congregation whom the Lord has gifted, called and matured for this office.
    2. Once a person has been unanimously selected by the Board of Elders and the person is willing to serve, he shall be presented before the congregation as a candidate for eldership.
    3. Over the following 30 days, the congregation may approach the existing Board of Elders with any concerns regarding the candidate.
    4. With all things being cleared after the 30-day period, the candidate shall be installed before the congregation, through the laying on of hands.
  4. Accountability for ministry
    1. The elder shall be accountable first to God.
    2. The elder is secondly accountable to the Board of Elders and then to the congregation of SC.
  5. Removal from office
    1. By passing by death to life everlasting.
    2. By resignation.
    3. By church discipline.
      1. Teaching doctrine that is false.
      2. Engaging in immoral conduct.
      3. Not fulfilling “Duties of the Office”.
  6. Term of an Elder
    1. An elder’s term of office shall be (3) three years, with the option of reappointment, as long as his ministry is ordered by the Lord and confirmed in the congregation of SC.
    2. The Board of Elders will consist of 6 elders, plus the pastor. Each year the term for (2) two of the elders other than the pastor will expire.
Section 3: Deacons and Deaconesses
  1. Qualifications for the Office
    1. Qualifications as found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13
    2. A member of SC in good standing
    3. Actively participate in the ministries of the congregation
    4. Be available for personal ministry and service at SC.
  2. Duties of the Office
    1. The deacons and deaconesses hold an office of service.
    2. They shall assist the Board of Elders in the ministry to the local Body of Christ at SC.
    3. They shall attend monthly Church Council meetings, as needed.
  3. Call Procedure
    1. The existing Board of Elders shall have the responsibility of recognizing and recommending men and women within the congregation who are serving and gifted for the ministry of service.
    2. The deacons and deaconesses shall be installed before the congregation, through the laying on of hands.
  4. Accountability for ministry
    1. The deacon and deaconess are accountable first to God.
    2. The deacon and deaconess are secondly accountable to the Board of Elders and then to the congregation of SC.
  5. Removal from office
    1. By passing by death to life everlasting.
    2. By resignation.
    3. By church discipline.
      1. Not performing the duties of deacon or deaconess.
      2. Engaging in immoral conduct.
  6. Term of a Deacon/Deaconess
    1. A deacon or deaconess’s term of office shall be (3) three years, with the option of reappointment, as long as his ministry is ordered by the Lord and confirmed by the Board of Elders and the congregation of SC.
    2. There is no limit to the number of deacons and deaconesses that may serve SC.
Section 4: The Church Council
  1. It shall be the duty of the Church Council to insure compliance with all local, state, and federal statutes. The church Council shall also maintain the official church calendar.
  2. The members of the Board of Elders are authorized to act for the Church Council and are authorized to execute any and all documents required by local, state, and federal entities.
  3. Members
    1. Pastor(s)
    2. Elders
    3. Committee Chairpersons
  4. Officers
    1. Chairperson of the Church Council – the Presiding Elder
    2. Vice-Chairperson of the Church Council – a member of the Board of Elders
    3. Secretary of the Church Council – a member of the Board of Elders
    4. Church Treasurer – a member of the Board of Elders
  5. Meetings
    1. The Church Council shall meet monthly at a time previously scheduled and announced.
    2. The Chairperson of the Church Council shall preside at all regular monthly and specially-called meetings. In their absence, the vice-chairperson shall preside.
    3. Minutes from all Church Council meetings shall be retained as official historical documents of the church.
Section 5: Church Treasurer
  1. The treasurer of SC must be a member of the Board of Elders (required for adequate insurance protection).
  2. The treasurer is responsible to work with an unrelated person, approved by an elder, to count all monies received by SC, to deposit the money into a credible financial institution, and to oversee day-to-day financial matters of the church.
  3. The treasurer shall provide timely financial reports for each Council meeting.
  4. The treasurer shall provide an annual record of contributions to all donors who use offering envelopes.
  5. With the approval of the Board of Elders, the treasurer may delegate an assistant.
Section 6: Congregation
  1. The congregation is made up of all persons who attend a service at SonLight Chapel. Services are open to everyone. A person need not be a member to attend.
  2. No one may have a leadership role at SonLight Chapel until after being received as a covenant member.
  3. Committee Chairpersons
    1. Should the need arise, the Board of Elders may appoint a person to chair a committee which is deemed to be required whether on a temporary or permanent basis.
    2. Each committee chairperson must be a member in good standing of SonLight Chapel.

Article III: Membership

Section 1: Covenant Membership
Covenant Membership in SonLight Chapel shall consist of all persons who have met the qualifications for covenant membership. Letters of transfer from another congregation will be accepted, providing the person meets the qualifications for membership as shown in Article III, Section 2.
Section 2: Qualifications for Covenant Membership

  1. A baptized believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. Public affirmation of their faith in Jesus Christ and agreement to SonLight Chapel’s Mission, Vision, Doctrine/Statement of Faith and Core Values.
  3. Completion of any membership course as required by the leadership.
Section 3: Steps to Covenant Membership
  1. Persons shall make known their desire to become covenant members of the body at SonLight Chapel by submitting written requests to the Board of Elders.
  2. Each candidate for covenant membership will be interviewed by an elder to confirm that they have met the qualifications for membership.
  3. New covenant members will be received at SonLight Chapel by the laying on of hands during a Sunday service.
  4. An official membership list will be maintained by the Secretary of the Church Council.
Section 4: Responsibilities of Covenant Members
  1. To live a righteous life before the world as a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. To faithfully attend the worship services and to participate in the life of the congregation.
  3. To remain supportive and submissive to the leadership of the congregation.
  4. To sacrificially invest of their time, gifts, and finances for the building up of the local body and the advancement of the Kingdom of God. It is expected that through prayer and an understanding of Biblical giving, that members will do their best to reach the tithe (10%) of income as their minimum level of giving.
  5. To avail themselves of opportunities to engage in Christian teaching, discipleship, and ministry.
  6. To bring up their children in the fear and knowledge of God.
  7. To work at all times for harmony and peace within the congregation.
  8. To abide by the constitution and by-laws of SonLight Chapel.
  9. To attend all congregational meetings.
Section 5: Discipline of Covenant Members
  1. Members who willfully neglect their responsibilities to the congregation, persist in false doctrine, or live in immorality shall be admonished by two members of the Board of Elders on the basis of Matthew 18:15-18, with a desire to restore the members to fellowship with God and the Church.
  2. If the actions in item A above do not result in the return of the members to proper Christian conduct and good standing within the congregation, then upon the prayerful action of the Board of Elders, the covenant membership of that person(s) within SC will be terminated.
Section 6: Termination Procedure
  1. Requesting of the Presiding Elder that one’s covenant membership be terminated by:
    1. Written or oral agreement.
    2. Request of transfer to another congregation.
  2. By discipline as outlines in Article III Section 5.
  3. Members who have consistently demonstrated a lack of commitment over a six-month period will have their covenant membership reviewed.
  4. By passing through death to life everlasting.
Section 7: Associate Membership
  1. These provisions are made for those who wish to walk in covenant membership with SonLight Chapel, but due to circumstances such as distance or age are prevented from full participation. Letters of transfer from another congregation will be accepted, providing the person meets the qualifications for membership as shown in Article III, Section 2.
  2. This Associate Member recognition is extended for these special circumstances:
    1. Shut-ins
    2. Educational pursuits
    3. Ministry assignments
    4. Vocational obligations
    5. Extended illnesses
    6. Military service
    7. Others as deemed necessary by the Board of Elders
  3. Qualification, Responsibility, Discipline, and Termination matters for associate members remain the same as those for covenant members, as best they can be carried out considering each associate member’s special circumstance.
Section 8: Affiliate Membership
  1. These provisions are made for those who wish to participate in the life and ministries of SonLight Chapel, but due to their own personal, unique circumstances do not wish to be joined in full covenant membership.
  2. This Affiliate Member recognition is extended for these special circumstances:
    1. Sunday School only participants
    2. Bible Study only participants
    3. Young children of members
    4. Occasional attendees
    5. Others as deemed necessary by the Board of Elders
  3. Qualification, Responsibility, Discipline, and Termination matters do not pertain to affiliate members.
  4. Affiliate members do not have the voting privileges afforded to the covenant members and associate members.
Section 9: Meetings of the Membership
The Board of Elders will call the congregation to at least one business meeting each year in order to report on the activities of SC, to review our financial situation, to receive comments and suggestions from the fellowship, and to give direction and encouragement for the future.

Article IV: Affiliation with Other Churches

Section 1
As a Christian congregation, we see ourselves as part of the Body of Christ in our community and the world. As such, and at the discretion of the Board of Elders, it is our desire to:

  1. Fellowship with the other parts of the Body of Christ on a regular and meaningful basis, working toward unity.
  2. Welcome into our midst ministry from other parts of the Body.
  3. Be known as a church recognizing Jesus as our common Head and all other Christians as our brothers and sisters.

Article V: Amendments

Section 1
These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the Board of Elders and shall be communicated clearly to the congregation.
Section 2
A proposed By-Laws or amendment change may be presented to the Board of Elders at any time.
Section 3
Any objections, concerns, or disagreements that members may have concerning the By-Laws shall be resolved in accordance to Matthew 18:15-20.

Practices & Procedures of SonLight Chapel

Adopted July 23, 2012

Article I: Holy Communion

Section 1
All worshippers are invited to participate in Holy Communion in one of two ways:

  1. If you examine yourself and find that you are a repentant believer and follower of Jesus Christ, you are invited to come forward to share at the Lord’s table. You will receive bread which represents the broken body of the crucified Christ and juice which represents the blood that Christ shed for the forgiveness of your sins. Please receive the elements joyfully with praise and thanksgiving for the new life which you have received through Jesus.
  2. If you find yourself not yet at a place of repentance or not yet believing that Christ died for your sins, you are invited to come front to receive a prayer blessing. You are loved as a special child of God and Christ welcomes you just as you are - wherever you are in your journey towards Him.
Section 2
If you are unable to walk to the front of the sanctuary and you would still like to participate in either the Lord’s table or the prayer blessing, please speak to an usher and someone will come to share with you at your seat.
Section 3
Participation of children in the Lord’s Supper is at the discretion of the parents. Non-consuming children are encouraged to come forward for a blessing.
Section 4
We celebrate Holy Communion the third Sunday of each month. We also encourage believers to celebrate the Lord’s Supper wherever and whenever the Spirit leads.
Section 5
We recognize that all Christian believers share in the Royal Priesthood and thus they all have authority to bless the elements of the table and serve Holy Communion to other believers.

Article II: Baptism

Section 1
Jesus said in Mark 16:16 that “He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.” Since it is not the lack of baptism, but rather unbelief, which condemns, we believe that because of God’s infinite mercy, salvation is not denied to those who have not been baptized.
Section 2
In the matter of infant baptism, it is our practice to allow the believing parent(s) to make the decision to baptize or to dedicate their infant.
Section 3
Throughout church history many modes of baptism have been practiced. While we offer baptism by sprinkling, pouring, or immersion, it is our current practice to, if possible, immerse in water.
Section 4
It is SonLight Chapel’s practice to baptize a believer whenever and as often as the believer is called to be baptized.

Article III: Relationship with the Pastor

Section 1
Upon confirmation of the pastor and signing of his contract, the pastor serves as an active covenant member of SonLight Chapel and also becomes a member of the Board of Elders.
Section 2
The pastor is expected to place a priority on the availability of his time for scheduled services, business meetings, and special member needs such as visitations, counseling, weddings, and funerals.
Section 3
Each month the pastor shall submit a written report of his church related activities to the Pastor Support Committee.
Section 4
The pastor’s contract with SonLight Chapel must be renewed annually.

Article IV: Worship/Study Practices

Section 1
Sunday School and small study groups will meet weekly on Sunday at 9:00am.
Section 2
Worship service will be held weekly on Sunday at 10:00am.
Section 3
SonLight Chapel recognizes that each person is responsible for researching and determining which version of the Bible is best for them. As a church, however, it is our current practice to use a translation such as the New King James Version (NKJV) which is translated word-for-word and closely follows the original Greek and Hebrew texts.

Article V: Council Meetings

Section 1
Regularly scheduled church council meetings shall be open to all covenant members of SonLight Chapel.
Section 2
The presiding elder may, at their discretion, deem any part of the meeting to be closed, due to the need for discussion of confidential or sensitive topics.
Section 3
All covenant members of the church in good standing who attend the church council meeting are voting members during the meeting.
Section 4
Order of Business for monthly and annual business meetings

  1. Opening prayer
  2. Reading of the minutes
  3. Expense approval
  4. Committee reports
  5. Old business
  6. New business
  7. Adjournment

Article VI: Committees

Section 1: Standing committees
  1. Christian Education/Small Group Studies
  2. Evangelism Committee
  3. Finance/Tithe Committee
  4. Hospitality Committee
  5. Membership/Prayer Chain Committee
  6. Outreach/Missions Committee
  7. Pastor Search/Pastor Support Committee
  8. Safety Committee
  9. Trustees Committee
  10. Usher/Greeter Committee
  11. Visioning/Long Term Planning Committee
  12. Worship/Music Committee
Section 2
All committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the Board of Elders.
Section 3
All committee members shall be appointed and advised by the committee chairpersons.
Section 4
Other committees may be established at any time by the Board of Elders to meet the on-going needs of the church.
Section 5
The committee year shall be defined from September 1st of one year thru August 31st of the next year.
Section 6
Annually during the month of July every committee chairperson shall interview each of their committee members to determine their willingness and availability to serve on the committee for the upcoming year.
Section 7
Annually during the month of July the Board of Elders shall interview each of the committee chairpersons to determine their willingness and availability to serve for the upcoming year.

Article VII: Financial Practices

Section 1
All monies received during a church service shall be counted immediately after the service by two unrelated persons. The amount of money received shall be recorded by the treasurer and also in the “Weekly Attendance and Offering Notebook”.
Section 2
The church treasurer, or their designated assistant, shall deposit all monies into a credited financial institution in a timely manner.
Section 3
The church treasurer will provide weekly offering envelopes for all members who desire to use them.
Section 4
Committee chairpersons may submit monthly or annual budgets to the church council for expense pre-approval. All non-budgeted expenses shall be approved by the church council prior to expense reimbursement.
Section 5
The church business manager shall reconcile all bank statements (required for adequate insurance protection).
Section 6
SonLight Chapel will tithe (10%) of the undesignated monies that it receives to deserving missions and charities. The Finance/Tithe Committee shall meet quarterly to disburse the tithe amount from the previous quarter.
Section 7
The Living in God’s Heavenly Trust (LIGHT) fund is established for monies received that are specifically designated for the future growth of SonLight Chapel. Those monies shall be deposited into a separate bank account and are to be reserved for expenses related to church growth.
Section 8
SonLight Chapel is a self-supporting church. Fundraising projects must have prior approval of the church council and monies received from them must be used for mission or outreach work.
Section 9
The church treasurer will send letters acknowledging receipt of Memorial Gifts and donations to SonLight Chapel’s LIGHT fund.
Section 10
Memorial gift contributions will be credited to the LIGHT fund, unless otherwise designated.

Article VIII: Relationship with the Congregation

Section 1
The Board of Elders and the church council of SonLight Chapel shall provide a safe, easily accessible and comfortable place for the congregation to meet and worship.
Section 2
SonLight Chapel has adopted and pledges to maintain a Safe Church Policy which prohibits all types of discrimination, abuse, exploitation and harassment – protecting all adults, children and youth affiliated with the church.
Section 3
SonLight Chapel will provide Membership Certificates for all people who join with the church into Covenant Membership or Associate Membership.
Section 4
SonLight Chapel will provide Baptism Certificates and Certificates of Dedication for all persons who are baptized and dedicated by the church.
Section 5
SonLight Chapel pledges to, in the best way possible with Godly wisdom and discernment, meet the needs of the members of the congregation by providing encouragement, counseling, prayers, visits, love offerings, and other means of support to help them find victory in meeting their daily needs.

Article IX: Annual Meetings

Section 1
Annually during the month of June, SonLight Chapel will acknowledge its anniversary month, as it held its first meeting and worship service on June 6, 2010.
Section 2
Annually during the month of August, a business meeting for all members shall be held to report on the activities of SC, to review our financial situation, to receive comments and suggestions from the fellowship, and to give direction and encouragement for the future.

Article X: Amendments

Section 1
These Practices & Procedures may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the church council and shall be communicated clearly to the congregation.
Section 2
A proposed procedure or amendment change may be presented to the church council at any time.
Section 3
Any objections, concerns, or disagreements that members may have concerning the Practices & Procedures shall be resolved in accordance to Matthew 18:15-20.

Safe Church Policy

Adopted May 18, 2015

Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Abuse, Exploitation and Harassment

As a community of Christian faith, SonLight Chapel is committed to creating and maintaining programs, facilities and an environment in which members, friends, staff and volunteers can worship, learn and work together in an atmosphere free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, exploitation or intimidation. All persons associated with SonLight Chapel should be aware that the church is opposed to all forms of physical, mental and verbal exploitation, harassment, abuse, discrimination and/or neglect and that all such behavior when shown on church property or at church activities is prohibited by church policy.

Handling of Complaints and Misconduct

It is the intention of the church to be proactive in an attempt to prevent behavior that is contrary to this policy, but should there be complaints of sexual harassment or molestation, they are to be reported to the SonLight Chapel Safety Officer. The Safety Officer will conduct investigation of the complaints and lead any follow-up action required per SonLight Chapel Disciplinary Procedures.

SonLight Chapel elders are committed to confidentiality of all personal data and information. Confidential forms and documents will be stored in a securely locked cabinet, accessible to only the persons who have need of the information.

SonLight Chapel elders are also committed to accurate reporting of all suspected sexual exploitation or sexual harassment, as required by federal and state law.

Conduct of Leadership and Volunteers

Consistent with our understanding of the priesthood of all believers, all pastors, elders and other elected and appointed lay volunteers serve as ministers to the congregation. It is important that each one of them be adequately prepared and educated for the ministry in which they serve others, and to understand the ways in which their use or misuse of authority may impact others. It is the policy of SonLight Chapel to encourage its leadership and volunteers to nurture others safety by being attentive to self-care, education, maintaining appropriate boundaries, and the importance of referring those in need to supportive and helpful resources.

Discrimination, Abuse, Sexual Exploitation or Sexual Harassment of parishioners or others by anyone engaged in ministry on behalf of SonLight Chapel is unethical behavior and will not be tolerated within this congregation.

Requirements Specific to Leaders and Volunteers of Children and Youth

SonLight Chapel is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment in which young people can learn about and experience God’s love. In order to promote this, we have established the following additional requirements.

  • We expect that those who volunteer to work with minors will have been members of SonLight Chapel for at least six months or, if not a member, regularly and frequently associated with SonLight Chapel for at least a year.
  • All volunteers who regularly work with children and youth will complete and submit disclosure documents and will undergo all background checks, as determined by the SonLight Chapel Safety Officer.
  • All volunteers who regularly work with children and youth will receive regularly scheduled instruction from the SonLight Chapel Safety Officer regarding safe church policy and child safety training.